The Journal of Search and Rescue (JSAR) is an open access peer-reviewed electronic journal for the collation and distribution of original scholarly material on search and rescue (SAR).
It is being supported by the in-kind work and contributions of the Editorial Board. There is currently need for a dedicated journal serving those with a direct interest in all disciplines of search and rescue including: rope rescue, water (flat, swift and marine), ice rescue, wilderness search and rescue, structural collapse rescue, trench collapse rescue, cave rescue, dive rescue, motor vehicle extrication, canine search, technical animal rescue, air rescue and mines rescue. JSAR exists to fulfill that need. Article submissions from these and other SAR disciplines are welcome.
Launching this journal on the internet offers a relatively cost-effective means of sharing this invaluable content. It affords the prompt publication of articles and the dissemination of information to those with an interest in SAR.
JSAR will provide a forum for the publication of original research, reviews and commentaries which will consolidate and expand the theoretical and professional basis of the area. The Journal is interested in strategic, tactical, operational and technical matters.
Advertising within JSAR will be considered in the future to ensure sustainable funding is available to enhance and continue the work of the journal.
The publication of an article in the Journal of Search and Rescue does not necessarily imply that JSAR or its Editorial Board accepts or endorses the views or opinions expressed in it.
Editor-in-Chief: Ian Greatbatch

The Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM) has generously supported the work of JSAR by providing Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for every article in our past, current and future issues. This means that our authors’ articles are automatically registered with libraries and easier to find for fellow researchers. This continues the mission for both organisations to improve understanding and practice in Search and Rescue.
Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management (
More about JSAR can be read at the following sites: