Ken MacIver, BA, PGC (Para), PGC Health Prac Ed, PGC Resus, MPP, Callum Thirkell, BCA, BHSc (Para), PGC
(Para), Glenn Mitchell, ICP, MPA, Carl van der Meulen*, BA(hons) & Elizabeth A. Asbury#, BSc (Hons),
MSc, Ph.D.
School of Health, Whitireia New Zealand, Porirua, New Zealand and *New Zealand Search and Rescue,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Whitireia New Zealand were commissioned by New Zealand Search and Rescue (NZSAR) to undertake a thorough analysis of all NZSAR related fatalities between April 2010 and July 2017. The purpose was to provide a high level overview of all fatalities, in-depth analysis of recreational fatalities and provide recommendations for prevention messaging where appropriate.