New Zealand Search and Rescue fatality data: Creating targeted prevention messaging

Ken MacIver, BA, PGC (Para), PGC Health Prac Ed, PGC Resus, MPP, Callum Thirkell, BCA, BHSc (Para), PGC
(Para), Glenn Mitchell, ICP, MPA, Carl van der Meulen*, BA(hons) & Elizabeth A. Asbury#, BSc (Hons),
MSc, Ph.D.

School of Health, Whitireia New Zealand, Porirua, New Zealand and *New Zealand Search and Rescue,
Wellington, New Zealand.



Whitireia New Zealand were commissioned by New Zealand Search and Rescue (NZSAR) to undertake a thorough analysis of all NZSAR related fatalities between April 2010 and July 2017. The purpose was to provide a high level overview of all fatalities, in-depth analysis of recreational fatalities and provide recommendations for prevention messaging where appropriate.

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